Calliope Wholesale Hay & Feeds
Hay in a Bale & Hay in a Bag


Photo Gallery of Hay Deliveries 

  When you order a truck, plan your unload and your storage.

Full truck = 500 bales (= 8 stacks).

Half-truck = 250 bales.

Each stack = 64 bales.  

Full Hay Truck

Ready to Unload!  - Orchard Grass


Henry the Driver

Henry says "I love haulin' hay!"


Unloading the hay

Squeeze Off-load.


 Forklift unloading

Forklift Unloading - Chaffhaye, Hay in a Bag


 Forklift with Pallet

Forklift Unloading 1 Ton Pallet


 Squeeze Pic

Put it in the Hay Barn!


 Forklift with Chaffhaye

Pallets Need a Forklift!


 Full Truck

Unstrap the load and don't drop a bale!


Squeeze and Truck 

Last Block!!



Customer unloads his hay!



256 Bales on rear trailer!


Truck with Pallets

24 Pallet Load Arrives!


 Satisfied Customer

Joey says "Where is that hay truck?  Did you order it yet?"


(760) 774-4212

Proudly serving all of Southern California, including the counties and areas of: Santa Barbara, Ventura, Inyo, Kern, Los Angeles, Orange, San Diego, Inland Empire, Riverside, San Bernardino and Imperial.